And another CD review

The following was posted in the International Record Review Magazine, September 2007 (Transcribed) Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach the first two discs in this survey of varied keyboard releases are of…

New CD review

Reviews for my CPE Bach CD are now starting to come in.

The following was posted in The Herald Newspaper on the 18th of August 2007

CPE Bach: Fortepiano Works
Sharona Joshua
Rubato Records
£12.99 ***** (5 star)

Much is known about the life of CPE Bach, son of JS. Much less is known about his music. Some see it as transitional, between one era [the Baroque] and another [the Classical]. The music itself is seldom played.

You have to wonder why, listening to israeli pianist Sharona Joshua’s stunning performances in this collection of sonatas and fantasias. The breathtaking originality of the playing, wonderfully appropriate on the early fortepiano, with its intimate, dry tone, catches every revolutionary nuance of Bach’s unsung genius. If CPE Bach’s day ever comes then Joshua must be seen as his critical missionary.

On sale at, [the internet (Amazon, CD Baby, Itunes) and at music shops all over London].

Michael Tumelty (18.08.2007 The Herald)

“Romantic Feast” @ Ashburnham Community Church

Sunday, 7 October 2007, 4pm

Piano recital at Ashburnham as part of a concerts tour in Boston, USA
Ashburnham Community Church, Ashburnham, Masachusetts, USA

Romantic Feast
Period Piano from the Frederick Collection tba

For further details go to the Frederick Collection website

“CPE Bach and all that followed…” @ Dumfries Music Club

Sunday, 18 November 2007, 7.30pm

Fortepiano recital at Dumfries Music Club
St John’s Church, Lovers Walk, Dumfries, Scotland

CPE Bach and all that followed…
Schantz fortepiano

For further details go to the Dumfries Music Society website

“CPE Bach and all that followed…” @ Forfar Arts Guild

Thursday, 15 November 2007, 7.30pm

Recital at the Forfar Arts Guild as part of a tour of concerts in Scotland
St. Johns Church, Forfar, Scotland

CPE Bach and all that followed…
Schantz fortepiano

“He is the father – we are the children!”
(WA Mozart on CPE Bach)