Sharona Joshua’s fortepiano students at Birmingham Conservatoire
This concert performance is open to the wider public!
Monday, 28 February 2011, 7pm
Adrain Bolt Hall, Birmingham Conservatoire
Birmingham City University
Paradise Place, Birmingham, B3 3HG
Fortepiano extravaganza!
A copy of a Walter fortepiano by Mark Rawson, C.1790
A copy of a Fritz fortepiano by Denis Woolley (1996), C.1820
A mammoth celebration of fortepiano favourites!
This concert performance offers a well balanced concoction of Sonatas, Duos, Trios, Lieder and Concerto movements from the Classical period. Performed by undergraduate and postgraduate fortepiano conservatoire students, the event is a wonderful example of an all-engaging collaboration between virtually all conservatoire departments. Thus includes, other than keyboardists, conservatoire period string players as well as singers. A must hear experience!
For a detailed programme please click on this page
For more information about the event and venue please go to Birmingham conservatoire page