If you are seeking to grant your child world-class and thorough schooling in the art of music, with an aspiration towards either a professional musical career or reaching a high standard, this is the place for you.

As a professional pianist, as well as a university tutor and lecturer, I am eager to share my vast knowledge and expertise to guide talented young individuals.

My teaching heritage

My own schooling is quite unique. My mentor, Sally Sargent, began her studies with Marcel Ciampi, who was tutored by Marie Perez de Brambilla, a student of the legendary Anton Rubinstein. Rubinstein was one of the few celebrated pianist-composers of the golden age of the 19th century, said to have been the one true rival to Franz Liszt!

Teaching method

The teaching method I employ is modeled on Rubinstein’s, with an emphasis on beauty of tone production and subtlety. I teach students how to apply a systematic methodology to ones own practice; a method that provides immediate noticeable results.

Sharona is patient, encouraging and passionate about her work. I have always enjoyed her lessons and she gives me great insights to further my studies. I think she is an outstanding teacher.

Camilla Wilson BA MFA FHEA

Teaching scheme and structure

Though I tutor students towards ABRSM and Trinity Guildhall exams, I follow my own scheme. My requirements are well above those expected in such establishments. I teach my pupils to reach their utmost potential, to prepare them for a smooth transition into university life and ultimately to achieve high professional standards.

Thus my teaching structure incorporates yearly internal performance assessments, as well as several student concert performances interspersed throughout the year.

Occasionally we have student group sessions in which we get together and listen to recordings or live performances (of each others), engage in group improvisation and go to live concert performances. Theory, harmony, composition, sight-reading, aural training and general musical knowledge are all part and parcel of my tutoring method.

For any further details, please contact me via email.
Many thanks
Sharona Joshua